Earn Money with Google Adsense

All website owners should seriously think about making money from AdSense.

No matter what your site is about, AdSense is suitable. It is content targeted and can be added to any site. (with exception of adult sites of course)

So what is AdSense?

A program called AdWords makes Google the majority of it's money. AdWords is a program that lets you place an ad across the Google networks.

Google will share some of this revenue with you, by allowing you to place these ads on your website. This is called AdSense.

Just to clarify, AdWords is when you place ads on Google and across other sites.

AdSense is when you get paid for having other people ads on your website.

How much can I earn with Google AdSense?

Google will pay you a commissions, each time and ad on your website is clicked.

AdSense is content targeted, which means that Google will read your websites content, and let you display ads that are associated with your content.

The benefit of having targeted ads on your website, will be reflected on your click through rate. For example, if you sites content was all about trains, having ads about baby clothing will mean you get less clicks and earn less money.

Earn more money with AdSense

Here are some ways you can make more money with Google AdSense.

Make sure you don't click on your own ads, it is not worth the risk of suspension.

Where you place the ads on your pages matters, do some tests to see where you get the most clicks. The best place is usually above the fold.

If you make a website that is purely just for the purpose of displaying Google AdSense, then make sure you are able to write good content about your sites subject.

It is important that you have lots of targeted traffic to your website. I have written articles on how you can achieve this.

Some people use AdSense to cover the cost of having their website. But others make lots of money.

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